Sustainability is more than just a buzzword, it's a business imperative. As companies across London strive to become more environmentally conscious, Managed Print Services (MPS) offer a unique and often overlooked opportunity to dramatically reduce your office's carbon footprint. If you think that printers, copiers, and paper are relics of the past, think again. With a fresh, tech-savvy approach to managing your print environment, MPS can transform your office into a leaner, greener, and more efficient workspace.

Why Printers Are Still a Sustainability Issue

Even in a digital age, printing is far from dead. From contracts to marketing materials, businesses still rely on print in their day-to-day operations. However, inefficient and outdated print practices are a sustainability nightmare-draining energy, wasting paper, and generating mountains of ink cartridges. In fact, the average office worker prints around 10,000 pages a year, with nearly 45% of those pages ending up in the bin within a day!

The environmental impact of this waste is staggering. Paper production alone accounts for around 26% of landfill waste and is one of the leading causes of deforestation. But it’s not just about the paper. Older, energy-hogging printers consume far more electricity than modern, eco-friendly devices, and non-recyclable ink cartridges contribute significantly to landfill waste.

Enter Managed Print Services (MPS): Your Green Hero

Managed Print Services are designed to bring order to the chaos of office printing, but we do more than just manage devices, we help reduce waste, optimise energy use, and minimise your carbon footprint. Here’s how MPS is changing the game for companies committed to sustainability.

1. Optimised Printing: Less is More

With an MPS solution in place, you can significantly reduce the volume of printing by implementing smarter, more efficient print policies. Through user analytics, MPS tracks who’s printing what and when, allowing your organisation to identify wasteful habits and set quotas or restrictions where needed.

Imagine a system where employees need to swipe their badge to release a print job. That simple action reduces unnecessary prints, as employees become more mindful of what they print. In fact, research shows that pull-printing solutions can cut paper waste by up to 30%!

2. Energy-Efficient Devices: Lower Power, Higher Impact

Old printers are energy vampires. They suck up unnecessary electricity, even when they’re not in use, and are often responsible for unnecessarily high energy bills. MPS replaces these inefficient dinosaurs with energy-efficient machines designed to operate at maximum efficiency. Modern MPS printers come with features like low-power standby modes, quick-start functionalities, and eco-friendly settings that use less toner and energy per page.

The result? Significant reductions in your office’s energy consumption and a lighter environmental impact. Many MPS providers, including Logixal, partner with brands committed to energy-saving innovations, ensuring your entire print fleet runs as eco-efficiently as possible.

3. Paper and Ink Waste Reduction: Greener Processes

MPS doesn't just reduce the number of prints; it improves the quality of each print by using less ink and less paper. Managed Print Services enable double-sided printing by default, reducing paper consumption by up to 50%. Not to mention, many MPS providers offer recycled or sustainable paper options, giving your business a more environmentally friendly choice without sacrificing quality.

In terms of ink, MPS ensures that printers are operating at maximum efficiency, so you're not overusing cartridges. Modern machines use advanced ink-saving technology, and when cartridges are low, MPS systems can automatically reorder supplies in bulk, cutting down on individual packaging waste. Even better, many MPS providers offer recycling programs for ink cartridges, keeping them out of landfills.

4. Remote Working & Sustainability

In a post-pandemic world, hybrid and remote work models are here to stay, and they come with their own sustainability challenges. Employees who print at home may be using older, less efficient machines that burn more energy and paper. Managed Print Services can help by extending print management to remote workers, ensuring that print jobs are routed to the most eco-friendly device—whether it’s in the office or at home.

This means you can keep a close eye on print volumes and continue to apply eco-friendly print policies across your workforce, no matter where they are. Sustainability doesn’t stop at the office door, and MPS ensures your company’s green initiatives follow employees wherever they work.

5. Lifecycle Management: Printing with Purpose

MPS doesn’t just manage what’s happening today—it looks at the full lifecycle of your printing infrastructure. By regularly assessing your printing needs, MPS ensures that you’re only using devices that meet your current requirements, phasing out older, inefficient machines that guzzle energy and toner.

But it doesn't end there. When printers reach the end of their life, MPS providers offer responsible disposal services, ensuring that equipment is recycled or disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. This means fewer old machines ending up in landfills, and less toxic waste from improperly discarded electronics.

6. Tracking and Reporting: Measure Your Impact

Sustainability goals require measurable results. MPS provides detailed reports on your print activity, showing you exactly how much paper, energy, and ink you're saving. These reports not only help you track your environmental impact but also allow you to set and achieve sustainability goals.

Whether it’s reducing your annual paper usage by 20% or lowering your carbon emissions through smarter energy use, MPS provides the data and tools to make real, lasting changes. For companies seeking to meet ISO environmental standards or corporate social responsibility (CSR) targets, MPS delivers tangible proof of your green initiatives.

7. Sustainability Meets Savings

Going green isn’t just good for the planet—it’s good for business. Implementing an MPS solution can lead to significant cost savings by reducing energy bills, cutting down on paper and ink expenses, and optimising your entire print infrastructure. Studies show that businesses can save up to 30% on printing costs with MPS, creating a win-win situation where sustainability and profitability go hand-in-hand.

Final Thoughts

The journey to sustainability doesn’t have to be daunting, and it certainly doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your business operations. By integrating Managed Print Services into your company’s workflow, you’re making a bold statement that sustainability matters, and you're taking meaningful steps to reduce your carbon footprint.

It’s time to rethink the way you print. With MPS, you can embrace a future where every page counts—both for your business and the planet.

Logixal is leading the way in providing eco-friendly MPS solutions that not only optimise efficiency but also help businesses achieve their sustainability goals. Ready to reduce your carbon footprint? Contact us today to learn how Managed Print Services can transform your workplace for a greener tomorrow.