As you celebrate one year at Logixal, it's also one year since your return to the technology industry, what are your thoughts?

It must have been positive, as the year has just flown by. It has been wonderful to be back and an absolute pleasure to be working with Daniel again. Returning to the industry in the middle of a global pandemic and the worst financial crisis in a lifetime could have been viewed as crazy. However, when I co-founded an extraordinarily successful print and service business 30 years ago, we were in the middle of a recession, and that enabled us to install best practises and to build the foundations for success, which is what we have replicated at Logixal.

What lessons have you learnt this year?

Self-motivation, self-respect, desire, work smart not hard, good habits, preparation, listen and to show empathy were the key to success 30 years ago, and they are no different for today.

What’s your opinion on the changes in the way people work now? What’s your view on the future of work?

It depends on the industry and sector. The pandemic has accelerated technology trends and the way work-life works. Hybrid working has its benefits as we all know, and what model of work is best depends on what works for an organisation. Hybrid working is not the norm at the Logixal Sales Academy as we're passionate that for mentoring, training and experience of life—you must be in the office. That is how my career was built and how I changed lives in the past and will with my class of 2021.

What’s your view of what the future holds?

The future? Does anyone know? Global pandemic, and now the horrific events in Ukraine. So, my view is... make the most of every day, and look after and be kind to those close to you, and your community.

What’s your view on how technology has changed?

The principals of technology have not changed, it has just evolved and created more opportunities and the need to work with a trusted technology partner.

What are the biggest opportunities to look forward to in 2022?

Changing lives for the better.