QR codes are everywhere nowadays, from restaurant menus to flyers and posters, both online and offline. They’re convenient and easy to use—just scan with your smartphone camera, and you’re directed to a link, coupon, video, or other online content. However, with their rising popularity comes a darker side. Cybercriminals are exploiting this technology for malicious purposes, creating fake QR codes to steal your personal information, infect your device with malware, or trick you into making payments.

It’s essential to be cautious when scanning QR codes. This new scam highlights the dangers hidden behind those seemingly innocent squares.

The QR Code Revival

Originally designed for tracking parts in the automotive industry, QR codes have made a comeback and are now widely used in marketing. They offer the convenience of instant access to information by simply scanning a code, making them integral to industries such as retail and hospitality. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have adapted, and a new phishing scam has emerged, exploiting the trust we place in QR codes.

How the Scam Works

Scammers create a fake QR code and place it over a legitimate one. For example, they might stick it on a poster advertising a product discount or film. When you scan the fake QR code, thinking it’s genuine, you may be directed to a phishing website that asks for sensitive information like your credit card details or login credentials.

Alternatively, scanning the code could prompt you to download a malicious app containing malware that can:

  • Spy on your activity
  • Access your clipboard history
  • Access your contacts
  • Lock your device until you pay a ransom

The fake QR code might also take you to a payment page, charging you for something supposedly free.

Here are some tactics scammers use.

Malicious Codes Hidden

Cybercriminals often place fake QR code stickers over genuine ones, embedding malicious content or redirecting users to fraudulent websites.

Fake Promotions and Contests

Scammers use QR codes to entice users into fake promotions or contests. When scanned, the code may lead to a counterfeit website asking for personal information, potentially leading to identity theft or financial fraud.

Malware Distribution

Some fake QR codes trigger the download of malware onto your device, compromising its security and potentially giving hackers access to your personal data or damaging your device.

Stay Alert: Tips for Safe QR Code Scanning

Verify the Source

Be cautious when scanning QR codes from unknown or untrusted sources. Always verify the code’s legitimacy, especially if it asks for personal information.

Use a QR Code Scanner App

Consider using a dedicated QR code scanner app rather than your device's default camera. Some third-party apps offer extra security features, such as code analysis and website reputation checks.

Inspect the URL Before Clicking

Before visiting a website linked to a QR code, review the URL to ensure it matches the legitimate website of the organisation it claims to represent.

Avoid Scanning Suspicious Codes

Trust your instincts. If a QR code looks suspicious or tampered with, don’t scan it. Scammers often exploit curiosity, so be especially careful when scanning codes in public places.

Keep Your Device and Apps Updated

Ensure your device’s operating system and QR code scanning apps are up to date. Regular updates often include security patches that protect against known vulnerabilities.

Be Cautious with QR Code-Linked Websites

Never enter personal information, such as your address, credit card details, or login credentials, on websites accessed via a QR code. Also, avoid making payments or donations through QR codes unless you’re certain the source is trustworthy.

Contact Us for Phishing-Resistant Security Solutions

QR codes are useful and fun, but they can be dangerous if used carelessly. Always scan with caution and protect yourself from scammers looking to take advantage of your curiosity. This scam is a form of phishing, one of the most significant risks facing individuals and businesses today.

At Logixal, we can help you ensure your systems are resistant to phishing attacks. Contact us today to learn more about our phishing-resistant security solutions.