Smart home devices are increasingly popular and convenient, but they also come with significant security risks. Hackers can target these devices to access personal information, spy on your activities, or cause damage to your home. Often, the risks of smart home devices go unnoticed. In fact, 75% of people express some level of distrust about how their data is used, yet most are still willing to adopt smart home technology.

While we enjoy the convenience of smart living, it's vital to stay alert to cyber threats. A hacker could potentially compromise your smart system without your knowledge. So, how can you tell if your smart home device has been breached? Here are a few signs to watch out for.

1. Unexpected Behaviour

Erratic behaviour in your smart devices is often the first sign of a security breach. This could involve flickering lights, unexpected changes to thermostat settings, or smart locks behaving unpredictably. Hackers frequently manipulate smart devices to create disturbances. Noticing these irregularities early can help prevent further issues.

2. Unusual Network Traffic

Monitoring your home network is essential for cybersecurity. Have you noticed a sudden spike in data usage or unusual network traffic patterns? This could indicate unauthorised access. Hackers might exploit your smart devices to launch attacks or steal sensitive data. Regularly checking your router’s activity logs can help you stay aware of any abnormal network behaviour.

3. Strange Sounds or Voices

Smart speakers and voice-activated assistants are now common in many homes. Hearing unfamiliar voices or odd noises coming from these devices is a major warning sign. Hackers could be using compromised devices to eavesdrop or communicate with household members, raising serious privacy concerns. Make sure your smart devices only respond to authorised voices.

4. Device Settings Modification

If you notice unauthorised changes to your smart device settings—such as altered camera angles, sensor sensitivity, or device preferences—there's a strong possibility your device has been hacked. Regularly review and update your device settings to keep control over your smart home environment.

5. Unexplained Data Transfers

Smart devices often send data to the cloud for analysis or storage. Be mindful of any unexplained data transfers, as hackers could be extracting sensitive information. Regularly review the data usage patterns of your smart devices to identify any suspicious activity.

6. Device Inaccessibility

If you find yourself locked out of your smart home devices unexpectedly, it could be a sign of hacking. Hackers may change passwords or enable two-factor authentication without your consent, taking control of your accounts and blocking your access. Act quickly to regain control and secure your devices if you suspect a breach.

7. Unknown Devices on Your Network

Regularly check the list of devices connected to your home network. If you spot unfamiliar or unauthorised devices, it’s a clear indication that your network may have been compromised. Hackers often connect to your network to exploit vulnerabilities in your smart devices. Protect your network with strong passwords and consider network segmentation for added security.

8. Frequent Software Glitches

Smart devices receive regular software updates to fix vulnerabilities and enhance security. If your device experiences frequent glitches or fails to update, it could be a sign of interference from a hacker. Ensure your devices are running the latest firmware to keep security patches up to date.

9. Unauthorised Change Notifications

Some smart devices send notifications or emails to confirm changes in settings, passwords, or access permissions. If you receive such messages about actions you didn’t take, it’s a clear sign of unauthorised access. Act immediately to secure your account by changing passwords and reviewing access permissions.

Need a Cybersecurity Assessment to Prevent a Breach?

As our homes become smarter, so must our approach to cybersecurity. Recognising the signs of a potential breach is the first step in protecting your smart home devices.

At Logixal, we can help ensure that your smart home remains a secure, innovative space rather than a vulnerable target for cyber threats. Contact us today to arrange a smart home security consultation and safeguard your digital home.